today is 23rd of February 2011. yes, today is my lovely mother's birthday. i'm quite frustrated as i'd promised to myself to be the first person to wished my mother on her birthday. unfortunately, i was like ngokngek for not remembering the date today. i thought it was 22nd Feb. cess,it was like damn ! after i'd realised, my battery pulak weak. damn again. i had to wait until 4pm when class ended. charge my phone and sleep ! people, terlajak kot ! until 7 pm. then, i woke up mamai mamai on my handphone and call my mother. she was like ' baru bangun ke ?' yeah,mummy. im truly sorry. i didnt meant to be the last person i guess to wish you. she was babbling at me 'i'd waited for my children to call me and wished me happy birthday. neither you or your brother. i'm hoping for you more. sigh. mummy im not forgetting your birthday but i dont really take care about the current date. haleluyahhh !
dear Puan Azzizah Bee Binti Ibrahim,
happy birthday ! happy birthday ! happy birthday !
thank you for the tears that you had cried for methe wisdom that you had shown to me
the money that you had sacrificed for me
i always want to repay all those tiredness and laughter that
you had faced to raised me up
you are well aware that your daughter doesn't have
pearls and golds to give you
only my true love and care will be with you forever
I love you,mak.
always do :')
M - For the MILLION things she gave me
O - For she's growing OLD
T - For the TEARS she shed to save me
H - For her HEART of purest gold
E - For her EYES, with love-light shining
R - For she is always RIGHT and always be.

saye touching for this mutiara words :
ReplyDeleteM - For the MILLION things she gave me
O - For she's growing OLD
T - For the TEARS she shed to save me
H - For her HEART of purest gold
E - For her EYES, with love-light shining
R - For she is always RIGHT and always be.
btw, happy belated birthday to ur mom heh :D semoga dipanjangkan umurnya. amiiin
thanks naddy, insyaAllah. Amin :)