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anyone can catch your eyes,but it takes someone special to catch your heart and i haven't found it yet. (",)

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Monday, June 6, 2011


Agak lama since i last wrote in here. Bukan takmau tulis,tapi ketandusan idea. tengok kawan kawan makin hebat dekat blog. I pulak terbalik. Hampehss. Few of my friends ada tanya jugak kenapa tak blogging dah. Me pon taktahu nak cakap apa. Bukan takdak masa. sampai terbuang buang masa pon ada. InsyaAllah. More to come after this.

Nothing to say actually. Saja nak buat jugak satu post dekat blog kesayangan. I'm actually worried memikirkan universiti mana akan dapat nanti. When i told few people yang tanya, first choice pilih kat mana. Nak masuk U mana? That kinda questions. I said,sejujurnya. I'm hoping for UMS.Most of them were very surprised to hear that but for me it is what i want. I dont see anything wrong about it. Yela, maybe because it is quite far from Penang, So, dengan saya ni seorang perempuan. Quite dangerous maybe but then InsyaALLAH. Teringin sangat niii. Doakan saya kawan kawan :)

Okay then, Nie ja kot. Malas nak tulis dah. Have a nice day,people :D


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